Sunday, June 23, 2019

Project management - sports pavillion at St. George's College Essay

Project management - sports pavillion at St. Georges College - Essay ExamplePART A INTRODUCTION The project understudy is the construction decease to extend and alter the sports pavilion at St Georges College and development of accommodation for Warden in and committee room. This project is taken as the fine opportunity mainly for the following reasons The college is situated within densely populated area within city hence, there is high take chances associated with the construction work to be completed within delimit frame. On-time completion is also critical as work is scheduled within holiday season. Project has high friendly value for the being provision of services to college. masteryful accomplishment of the project is linked with the projects of two more schools. Hence, the project is taken with more responsibility penchant with clients defined framework of task to be accomplished within time (most important), cost, quality and risk. PROCUREMENT ROUTES The procurement o f the project is guided by three possible options which are as follows (Curtin University of Technology, n.d.) Traditional Approach Design and Construct Management Fee Each of the mechanism carries suitability for some objet dart costing other. For the under study project it is suggestible for the client to adopt the procurement route of Design and Construct with complete package by provider variant. Design and construct entails hiring of the consulting firm (project manager) that develops design for the clients requirement and further hires contractor for the construction services. It will facilitate client with a ace point of contact as the management intend to have least involvement in overall construction process. It is also suitable for the college management found on their specification mentioned. Discussed below is the evaluation of the mechanism with respect to set criteria Time Fast tracked as the design and the construction can be carried in parallel. It also ensures th e completion of the project on date which is very critical in the case understudy. Cost It also provides accurate estimate of the cost. character This method is since not as quality oriented as management fee method but ensure quality construction according to the defined needs of required construction. Risk aligned with the need of the college management, this method also carries minimum risk on part of employer and almost all risk is innate(p) by contractor. Given below is the reflection of methods and associated risk (Curtin University of Technology, n.d.) Hence, the procurement method of design and construct can be justified as the most accommodate method to the need of college management with facilitating of a single contractual firm that integrates design and construction expertise and accountability resting within one firm. RISK MANEGEMENT Success of the project is not only dependent on the accuracy of planning but is also dependent on level of consideration given to risk m anagement. Simple to state, risk is the probability of not achieving the stated goal, since single aim of every objective is to accomplish it successfully hence it requires projects to identify, analyse, asses and manage likelihood and tint

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