Monday, June 17, 2019

According to the article and answer the question Assignment

According to the article and answer the question - Assignment ExampleThe behaviors suggest that orangutans are intelligent species with opposite personality and mentality compared to chimpanzees and gorillas. Orangutans of different groups are found to have different behaviors and practices than each other. The existence of ending in animal species, as a result, is evident keeping the findings of the article in view. The personal manner of hunting, extracting insects with sticks, making pillow of twigs or wiping faces with leaves as with a napkin are different behaviors found in different groups. The conclusion, as a result, is the ratification of cultures existence among Orangutans.The close association of such behaviors is found in human cultures. The different behaviors are important to understand the personality of red-haired apes from others. Furthermore, the way orangutans teach their behaviors to their young ones show the level of responsibility they take to nurture their breed and to extend their cultural norms ahead. These behaviors are significant to show the existence of culture in animals, and specifically in orangutans.2.Drugs Angiosperms plants are known to have a bitter taste and contain high amounts of psychoactive agents. Since Dinosaurs could not identify the bristliness and detoxify the substances with their less effective levers, they died after having a lot of angiosperms.1. Sex The claim is proposed as a negation to high temperatures being the reason for killing the vast animals, dinosaurs. However, to support the theory that rising temperatures remained the cause of their extinction, Cowles proposed the idea of testes being non-functional in such high temperature leading to natural contraception and, at extreme, the extinction of dinosaurs. The hypothesis, hence, is a mere idea which is not supported or backed up with proper evidences or experiments thereof.2.

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