Saturday, May 18, 2019

The Way Home: A Film Review

The acquire entitled The Way Home is a Korean film released in 2002 directed by Lee Jung-hyang and written by Lee Jung-hyang. It was produced by smash Woo-hyun and Whang Jae-woo and was released on November 15, 2002 by overriding Classics. The film revolves on the story of a young boy and his grannie who struggles to fight the differences between them. It is a great film that deals with gerontology and how the aging process affects the lives of every individualistic.In the film, Sang-woos niggle needs to snuff it him under the c atomic number 18 of his sure-enough(a) grand fuss because she needs to find a joke for them to survive. However, Sang-woos nanna is deaf and mute which makes the situation hard for him. Living with his grandmother is really against his w tubercular because for Sang-woo, a guardian interchangeable his grandmother who has speaking and hearing disabilities is like living in hell. He cannot film the fact round his grandmothers situation and badly call s her a retard.Frustration and depression consume him because he was wedded to the city way of life. Living in the country side is far different from his previous hearthstone where electricity and technology are part of everyday life. He ignores all his grandmothers efforts for him and continues playing with his toys that he brought on with him.On the other hand, his grandmother patiently does everything for his bratty grandson. She persistently cooks meals for him, washes his clothes, and gives the best that she can to for him. Unfortunately, Sang-woo returns her kindness with rejection of the traditional meals that she serves and prefers Kentucky heat up Chicken, Spam and cola over her meals. There was a scene in the movie where he take his grandmothers ornamental pin to buy batteries for his video game.He was expecting to receive the wrath and punishment of his grandmother, but when he arrived home, he saw his worried grandmother who was waiting for him to come back from fin ding batteries. Nonetheless, he got her hairpin for nothing as it did not provide him with any batteries since the rural village did not have the right size batteries for his toy. more scenes in the film show how ruthless Sang-woo is to his grandmother.His misbehavior comes to an end when his poor grandmother gets sick which makes him interpret his mistakes. Suddenly, he is not the selfish brat he was. He assumes the responsibility of taking care of his ill grandmother. His grandmothers efforts and unconditional love for him pays off when she makes his grandson feel the true meaning of home. He received love and fondness from a woman who cannot speak and hear but can show him the true meaning of life.When his mother returns to fetch him and bring him back to the city, the love and kindness of Sang-woos grandmother make it hard for Sang-woo to leave her. Still, he needs to come with his mother so he taught his grandmother how to write for them to keep in touch. The Way Home is a h eartwarming film that best describes sacrificial and unconditional love from an individual who is in her later life.The study of gerontology involves the observation of people as they grow old and mother changes physically, psychologically, and socially. This film is suitable for a gerontology class because it gives students the chance to view what it is like to be old and how relationship of the old with the younger generation is affected. There are many changes during late adulthood, just like the case of Sang-woos grandmother in the film. It does not only describe what an older adult experiences but it in like manner shows how a person should deal with these changes.What I like most about the film is the scene where Sang-woos grandmother got sick. This is because I was able to understand how hard it is to get old and how much care and attention are needed when a person gets old and sick. The Way Home is a film that encompasses many discoveries about every individuals life sacri fices, changes and love.ReferenceThe Way Home (2008). The Way Home Website. Retrieved, March 7, 2008 fromhttp// story.htmlWhang, W.H., Whang, J.W. (Producer) Lee, J.H. (Director). (2002). The Way Home. MotionPicture Korea Paramount Classics.

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