Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Bombmaker

This was the part of the job that he hated, planting the break wad every thing could go wrong. He checked his watch, 1020, good he thought the train wasnt due for 20 minutes. He was putting the juicy hold-all with the bomb in inside the tunnel. It was set to go in ten minutes. When he put it floor he ran jeopardize to the auto, his orders were to plant the bomb and make sure it went off with knocked out(p) a hitch. The bomb was meant to disrupt only not to kill or maim. He looked to the tunnel and to his horror he motto three school children active to pickup the bag and set off the bomb. He jumped out of his car and ran to the tunnel as fast as he could shouting DONT TOUCH THAT BAG.It was too late.That was five eld agoAndrea has always blamed her self for the accident.After that she left the IRA. They begged her not to leave, special branch begged her not to leave, but she was adamant she didnt want to make bombs any more.Present dayIt was 1030 in Tokyo. Michael was on his way to Tokyo tower for a meeting with the triads. He decided that if he invariably got out of this one alive he would go completely legit.When he got there he was patted down to make sure he was not wearing a wire. He was clean.Well Michael we direct a favour said one of the triads we demand a building to be destroyed for the insurance we ensure you know someone to do it.(Michael is ex-IRA)Yea I KNEW some one but I live on to lost contact with them replied MichaelAll you have to do is give us the address and we will get congest in contact with them said other triad. Here is a picture of the building to be destroyedIt was an office block built in the 70s. The building looked as if it was going to fall on its own.Meanwhile 10,000 miles away in Southeast London Andrea Hayes was putting her 7-year-old daughter surface-to-air missile to bed.Its about time she went to bed, shes got school in the morningYea whats on TV tonightJust a wild life docu manpowertaryOk eyepatch they were talking they didnt hear people braking in the back door walking up the stairs to their daughters means.One of them stumblesQuiet the woman whispered all we need to do is grab the kid and get outSo they crept c arefully to the room picked the girl up and got out of the house without Andy or trap hearing them.Andy woke up the next morning and went to get Sam up for school.When she got to her room she found a mobile with a post-it note on with her code signalise from the IRA and a predict number on.She left Jack in bed and went out back to call the number.WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY DAUGHTER? shouted AndreaCalm down Andy your daughter will be fine as long as you do as we say.Ok said Andrea calmer than before what do you want me to do.What followed were some instructions to go to London and wait on Baker Street for a brown ford transit.Just before she left for London she left a note for cocksucker telling him to contact Frank Carter of special branch and tell him they have got Bria nWhen she got to London she rented a hotel room to stay in till the pickup.Because the hotel was a short walk to Baker Street she was only postponement for 30 seconds before she bundled in to a van.Who are youjust as she was knocked unconsciousAbout 3 hours laterWwwhere am I asked Andrea groggilyYou are in a house. replied voicewhwho are you asked AndreaYou can call me Lisa replied the Lisa and what you will doing is building a 2000 pound fertiliser bombWHAT exclaimed Andrea YOU WANT ME TO DO WHATyes we know it sounds a bit big, but we think you can pull it offIll need help, and materials do I get them enquired Andreaof course you do, just write up a shopping disputation and ill send these two to get it all Lisa said pointing to two big strong men called wrestler and boxer.So she set to work putting together the bombWhile this was happening three hundred miles away at homeJack was just waking up seeing the he jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to see if Sam had gone to school w hen he saw the note. It said Jack call special branch and ask for Frank Carter and say theyve got Brian.Who was Brian what did she have to do with special branch.While all this was running through his head one big question was where is Andy and where is Sam.He instantly grabbed the phone and called the police to get through to special branch.Frank Carter does not work for special branch any more, said the operator.Well then could you call him and say theyve got Brian(A clicking sound)What do you know about Brian? said another voiceNothing my wife left me a note to say that to Frank Carter.Stay there we will come and get youOkMeanwhile Andrea was nearing completion of the bombHow is it going asked Lisa

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