Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Globalisation in Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

worldwideisation in Information Systems - Essay ExampleBecause of globalization, mutualness of ethnic and economic activities has increased trade, investment, migration and transmission of knowledge to different destinations (Mena & Illarramendi, 2001, p. 67). Most importantly, it has forged a join front towards addressing world problems including terror attack and climate change. Apart from globalization, global information system (GIS) is a clear-cut sharing strategy that has made information available from different platforms. It is a core trustworthy policy and global coverage technique mainly used by government to gather intelligence. Notably, it is non available to governmental subscribers for reasons ranging from security to financial implications.Among the many beneficiaries of the global information systems, the pipeline and aviation patience has substantially transformed due to invention of GIS. With the already available solutions and software, the pipeline industry has been able to manage the flow of different fluids, detect leaks and communicate efficiently. In the modern world, it is very rare to find accidents in the pipeline industry because of global information system. On the same note, the aviation sector has benefited by formulating Global positioning systems that allow monitoring of planes. Additionally, GIS has made navigation easy around the world. Most importantly, it has aroused timber data management, organization of personal information, document engineering and web interaction across diverse platforms. The carrying into action of information system in any firm requires substantial financial investment. Most importantly, the processes, structure, and policies are necessary for managerial purposes. Certainly, this is because Information system, has contributed towards a reality, by ensuring that the implementation of efficient communication.From the perspective of international relation where economic, cultural and political

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