Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Management consultancy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Management consultancy - Essay Example They also have team works in every representative they send to their clients. They also use the different consulting modes in how they consult with their clients. Table of Contents Introduction Management consulting in its essence is the action or practice of helping organizations and business to improve on their performance. They are therefore called upon to help management to achieve the organization goals. Organizations call them for a variety of reasons which are mainly centered on gaining an external objective input on how to run the organization. Another reason is management consultants are experts in this area therefore gaining expertise information from the consultants (Schwartz, 2002). They are valuable since they have dealt with many organizations and hence have expert knowledge on how to achieve success in the organization. Other essential skills that management consultants offer the organizations include change management assistance, development and coaching skills, techn ology setting up in the firm, strategy development and also efficiency in operational services. Management consultants manage these tasks by bringing their own methods and frameworks that have succeeded in other organizations to make the organization more efficient and effective at performing their tasks (Drucker, 2006). Management consultancy has grown over the years. ... Management consulting therefore depends on the specialization of the consultancy firm and the consulting needs of the organization. They include information technology consulting, virtual management, human resource consulting and financial consulting. Sometimes some of this specialization offered by consultancy firms overlap and they offer an even more diversified consultancy (Werr, 2004). The field of management consultancy has grown to include consultancy in non-public organizations including the public sector. In the UK, there has been extensive use of management consultants. The government has spent a large sum between 1996 and 2006; it used 20 billion pounds in management consultants. This has raised question among the House of Commons if this type investment was even worth it. But the use of management consulting has yielded fruit especially in the National Health Service, in the Local Government Association Improvement and Development Agency and also in the National Supports T eams. Although Management consulting can be somewhat expensive it is essential. It often leads to better performance of the organization in general. It is therefore one thing that all companies and firms should consider especially in areas which they lack a lot of skills or if the firm is on the red and requires a turnaround plan to make it more profitable (Norton, 2006). Client Centered consulting process model by Cockman This consultancy cycle or model has been used by many consultants to show the interaction of the consultants and the client from the beginning of the consultancy model. At times it does not reflect what actually happens in reality. But like all models following them makes the process better. The Professional Consultants were

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