Monday, October 7, 2019

Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Film - Essay Example I will have spent some time with a friend I haven’t seen in a year, and that’s the end of it. I can’t believe this is so hard for you. What are you going to do when my work starts taking me to remote places around the world? Okay. This is Neigh, and it is about 10 p.m. on January 7, 2008. I decided that it was best, safest really, to put into the record the document that is the reason behind this trip – expedition even. Two days ago, I bought a box of surprise junk at an auction. When I got home, I found an old leather bound book in the box. There were a few drawings in the book, and I immediately recognized it is Celtic. The book is written in Celtic, but it has pictures, too. I could tell from the pictures that the book belonged to a Celtic priest, a Druid. It has drawings of Stonehenge in it, and an alignment of the planets that shows Venus, Jupiter and the Moon in conjunction with one another. That planetary line up is going to happen this weekend, beginning on Friday. This alignment will last a week, and then will not happen again for at least a thousand years. According to the book, the alignment will open a gate to another dimension on that night. I am going to be there Friday night, and i f there is a door, if this book is legitimate, I am going through. Well, it is not going to change tonight whatever is left, or isn’t. Besides, look, the missing stone is not even the one that is shown in the drawing. Your stone is still there. You know, as much as I don’t believe this, I kind of have this feeling. By the way, where is the original book? Sitting at Neigh’s desk, Sayge is busy reading about Stonehenge on the computer when she notices the ancient book. She closes Neigh’s laptop, takes the book and goes to the couch where she snuggles in, covers her long legs with a throw, and begins reading the book. She falls asleep. Neigh and Franklin getting out of Neigh’s car at Stonehenge. Neigh

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