Thursday, March 26, 2020

Mathematics Test Questions free essay sample

By loganbarton97 Name Square Day 1 Mathematics Test Questions 5. x2-x+ 12. 12-kx+64 Date Period Completing the For each expression, find the number you would add to make it a perfect square trinomial. Leave fraction answers as improper fractions (no mixed numbers or decimals). Then factor each trinomial. I . 12 +1 OX + 4. 12 + 12x+ 7. X2+11X+ † 6y + 3. Z2-8Z+ 6. X2+13X+ 8. 9. For each expression, find the value of k that would make the trinomial a perfect square trinomial. Then factor each trinomial. 10. 12+kx+36 11. 12-kx+49 Solve by taking the square root of each side. Move the constant, c, to the other side. X2+8X 2. In order to create a perfect square trinomial on the left side, set up your equation so that you will remember to add to BOTH sides (the equation must stay balanced). ex: 12 + 8x + 3. Calculate what must be added to BOTH sides to create the perfect square trinomial on the left side ( ). 4. Add to both sides. We will write a custom essay sample on Mathematics Test Questions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ex: x2+8x+ 16 = 7+ 16 5. Factor the left side of the equation and simplify the right side. 6. Solve by taking the square root. Equation in ax2 + bx + c ex: 3X2+30x-5=o = O form + 30X . Factor out the a coefficient on the left side. ex: 312+30x 3(X2+10X Set up your equation to add. Remember that whatever you add to the left side is being multiplied by a and so the right side must also be multiplied by a. ex: 3(x2+10x+ ) 4. Calculate what must be added to BOTH sides to create the perfect square trinomial on the left side (middle term, divided by 2 and then squared). 5. Add to both sides. ex: 3(x2+10x+ 25 25 ) 6. Factor the left side of the equation and simplify the right side. 7. Solve by dividing and taking the square root.

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