Wednesday, July 24, 2019

US Policy on Digital Learning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

US Policy on Digital Learning - Research Paper Example Digital ecosystem describes varied concepts concerning the field of Information Technology (IT), e-learning, as well as Information and Communications Technology (ICT). In the field of IT, digital ecosystem refers to an accessible networking infrastructure found on the Internet. Institutions continually adopt digital ecosystem services or solutions that enable them to use all available e-business solutions to enhance their operations. In contrast, when used in ICT, digital ecosystems establish viable business ecosystems. However, in e-learning, which is the focus of this study, digital ecosystem or digital learning ecosystem is considered the ecological models of teaching and learning, appreciating infrastructure available for e-learning and implementing existing e-learning tools. Weigel (2001) posits that digital learning ecosystems aid the design of innovative learning tools. Conventional, digital learning ecosystems, allow education stakeholders to appreciate the evolution of digi tal learning users, tools, services and policies. This is a noteworthy advantage of digital learning ecosystems, which was unavailable in traditional, virtual learning environments. Education stakeholders make use of the ecological approach and define the intricate interactions between students and instructors, students, and interfaces, students and students and students, and content. These relationships exemplify the elements existing in digital learning ecosystem and shape students’ learning outcomes.... This is a noteworthy advantage of digital learning ecosystems, which was unavailable in traditional, virtual learning environments. Education stakeholders make use of the ecological approach and define the intricate interactions between students and instructors, students and interfaces, students and students and students and content. These relationships exemplify the elements existing in digital learning ecosystem and shape students’ learning outcomes. The examination of the aforementioned interactions is a vital part of creating in-depth appreciation of digital learning environments. This understanding helps in the standardization as well as promotion of effective digital learning practices. Digital learning ecosystem also encompass learning infrastructure such as software applications that support and manage digital learning. Since the 1990s, Learning Management Systems (LMS) were the conventional software applications used for managing and supporting digital learning. Howev er, following the advent of the social media, education stakeholders continually challenge the place of LMS in digital learning ecosystem (Quellmalz & Kozma, 2003). These stakeholders appreciate and seem to prefer the use of personal and open digital learning tools, for instance blogs, social networking sites and wikis. In essence, the perspective of digital learning ecosystems considers all learning-related services and tools as species existing within a digital ecosystem – according to emerging points of view, the â€Å"species† inherent to digital learning ecosystems as living and continually evolving in symbiosis with different user communities such as developers, facilitators, learners and administrators. US Policy on Digital Learning The US Foundation

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